Check In
Property Quick Info
- Wifi Information:
- Main House:
- Network name: Bighouse
- Password: saukee20
- Alternate:
- Network name: Netgear 49
- Password: brightpineapple151
- Guest House:
- Network Name: Netgear63
- fuzzyvalley190
- Main House:
- The covered dock area for your boat measures 12x30 feet. The owner stores a boat on whips to one side. The dock spotlight switch is on the pole by the dock. Various outdoor lights are labeled in both cottages.
- TV Instructions:
- Use the Insignia remote to Power On
- Choose HDMI1 input for fire stick - you will be using the fire stick to access and login to your Netflix, Amazon, Sling, etc
- Press "home" on the fire stick, use the black circle to move up, down, left and right. Press the center of the circle to select.
- Trash Pickup:
- All outdoor cans are in the main house garage.
- Bag all refuse and tie well. Use separate cans for trash and commingled recycling.
- Pickup is early Saturday morning, sometimes as early as 7:30 am. If you miss the trash pickup, you will be charged a service fee. We recommend you put the trash out on Friday night.
- On Friday night, gather household trash from all rooms, move containers from garage to cottage driveway at end of the cement wall. Put heavy boards from woodpile area on top to secure lids from animals. This system works well if all refuse is inside closed lidded cans.
- Septic system: Please flush toilet paper only. Avoid garbage disposals and running excess water.
- The lawn will be mowed on Saturdays unless rainy weather causes another day to be necessary.
- The neighbors closer to the guest house have a loud cannon that they sometimes set off.